Thursday, February 25, 2010

Drug Users: Who Are They?

All types of substances have been used by Americans throughout our history and drug use trends have changed drastically throughout the years. Drug users vary from all sorts of different ages to different types. Researchers have categorized drug users into three different categories that can better explain these different types of drug users. Although there are many different drugs that are abused, the most common being abused are cocaine, heroin, hydrocodone, inhalants, LSD, marijuana, MDMA also known as ecstasy, methamphetamine, oxycontin, and steroids.

Rates of drug use have shown a large variation by age. In 2003, it was reported that the age 18-25 use the most types of illicit drugs. Of that category, 18-20 years of age had the highest illicit drug use followed by 16-17 and the 21-25 age group. Also shown in the age group of 18-25 years old, 17 percent used marijuana, 6 percent used prescription-type drugs non-medically, 2.2 percent used cocaine and 1.7 used hallucinogens. Among the youth, the types of drugs used differ by age. Marijuana was the most commonly used drug among 16 to 17 year olds, followed by prescription-type drugs used non-medically, hallucinogens, and cocaine.

According to Hanson, Venturelli, and Fleckenstein, Asians continued to have the lowest percentage of current illicit drug use when research in 2003 was conducted. Among the various racial and ethnic groups, American Indian/Alaska Native youth aged 12 to 17 was the highest amount of current illicit drug use. Among Hispanics, Puerto Ricans were the heaviest users of illicit drugs followed by Mexicans and Cubans. Among men and women, men are more likely to report current drug use than women. Among youths aged 12 to 17, the rate of current illicit drug use was similar for boys and girls. Although the rate is similar, boys had a higher rate of marijuana use as opposed to girls who used non-medical prescription type drugs. In general, gender and drug use correlate with specific age periods.

Personality traits of drug users vary according to their general approach or orientation, frequency of use and types and amounts of the drugs they consume. Some users are occasional or moderate users whereas others have a stronger attachment to drug use. Some users display such a compulsive behavior that they need the drugs all day and night. There are three different types of patterns that researchers have classified, experimenters who begin using drugs largely because of peer pressure and curiosity, and they confine their use to recreational settings; compulsive users who in contrast devote a lot of time and energy to getting high and talk about drug use frequently; and lastly “floaters” or “chippers” who focus more on using other people’s drugs without maintaining a steady supply of drugs, they are light to moderate consumers such as experimenters.

United States has the largest rate of drug users throughout the world. There are many different types of drug users and at many different ages, but the most drug use is between the ages of 18 and 25. Of course both men and women are drug users, but it has been found that men have a higher percent of drug use than women. People use drugs for all sorts of reasons. Some use them for recreational purposes and some are so addicted to them that it ruins their lives. Either way, drugs are a dangerous substance and it seems as though the drug trend is going to continue to get worse throughout the years.

Hanson, Glen R., Peter J. Venturelli, Annette E. Fleckenstein. (2006). Drugs and Society. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Retrieved from

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. (2002). Drug Information. Retrieved from

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